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Quick Start Guide

Learn how to get started with mapping your topics, keywords and content in ContextMinds

Updated over a week ago

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Getting started

After you create a new map, start by typing some initial idea, topic, or keyword (we call all those "concepts") into the search bar on the left.

Explore and gather ideas

Check out the Topics and Keywords suggestions first. Topics include general topics from our internal DB and ChatGPT suggestions. Keywords include terms people search for and ChatGPT suggestions.

Click on any of the suggested concepts to see web search results, and keyword metrics if available.

Click the plus button to add a concept to your map. Don't overthink it and gather everything that seems relevant. You'll sort it out later.

If you don't see anything you like, you can always add what you typed by clicking the plus button in the search box.

Organize the mess

Grouping into lists

Drag one concept over another in your map to put it in a list.


Click on one concept and then drag the arrow to another to create a connection.

Color tagging

Click on a concept in the map and then Add color tag button (or just hit the T key). Choose a name like "todo", "high priority", "for later" or anything you need and pick a color you like. It will be used for an outline (for main concepts) or background of the concept (if it is in a list).

Leave it hanging

If you are not sure where to put some concept, just leave it floating somewhere on the map - you can sort it later.

Expand your ideas

Use brainstorming partner

Click on any concept in your map to explore suggestions for it in the sidebar on the left. Similarly as when you type something in the search box, you can explore and add the suggestions to your map.

Add your own (sub)ideas

Branch out by clicking the plus buttons on the sides of a selected concept and typing your own idea. Branch in by clicking the placeholder and typing the new concept name.

Use hotkeys to speed up: K and L to branch left or right and I to add concept inside the selected one.

Adding notes

If you have a lot on your mind and it won't fit inside the concept, add it as a note to the concept. It will be visible in the Notes tab (4) of the left sidebar whenever you select that concept. You can also see all notes at once when no concept is selected - just click anywhere on the map outside the concepts.

You can also upload files or paste URLs to your notes!

Turn ideas into content

Create outlines

Organize your ideas into a list to form an outline.

Use Headings suggestions to get inspiration on what to include in your outline.

Use Article suggestions to see what's already on the web about your idea.

Generate text from your map or outline

Select a concept on your map containing an outline and switch to Chat in the left sidebar.

You might need to turn on suggestions for that concept in the left sidebar. They are turned on by default only when there is a good chance something useful will come up.

Choose from the prompts or click the custom one and enter the type of content you want to generate - article, email, video script, social media post or anything you need.

ContextMinds will send a prompt to ChatGPT taking into account the selected concept and everything inside it and connected to it.

Refine the text

Continue chatting to refine the text to your needs.

Save it

Click the pin button to save the generated text as a note pinned to the selected concept, or hit the plus button to create a separate concept from it. The full text will then be accessible as a note pinned to it in the Notes tab of the left sidebar.

Share what you created

You can share your map with anyone using the Share button and sending them the link. No login is needed; they will see a read-only view with an option to create a copy, edit and send you back โ€“ if they log in. Just don't forget to turn on the link sharing.

You can also export the map as an image or a PDF file.

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